- The lady from the image from the Best exotic marigold hotel is white and from the west, so is supposed to be shown to be civilised, but she's wearing traditional clothing, so putting on a mask to fit in with people in India.
- Jay Z, as he's a business man and he's a singer
- Adopting white middle class value - showing the change in their personality
Alvorados theory - Pitied, Humorous, Dangerous, Exotic - PhDE
- The image of the Exotic items at the back from the film The Best exotic marigold hotel, reinforce Alvorado's theories, through the traditional items in the back.
Saids theory - Uncivilised East vs Civilised West
- The West being superior and helping the East, in the image of generating kill. Portraying the west to be civilised and holding power, as the US Solider, gives water to the Afghan baby, and he is seen to be a doctor in a sense to the baby.
- The west visiting the east, helping them as they hold more power and are more economically and financially developed as well as being civilised.
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